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Github & Git CLI Setup

Github account

If you don't have an account, sign up here:

Add school email as secondary

Once you have an account, add your school email (* to you github account as a secondary email

Github Email Settings


Remember to keep your personal email as your primary github email!

Accept invite to NTU SCSE Github organization and subcommitee team

Check your email for the github organization invite and follow through with enrollment.

The github org allows us to manage internal read/write permission for subcommitee while allowing our repositories to be publicly readable and open source.

Github Email Invitation


If you haven't received an email invite, then please ping your IT Executive!

Git setup

  1. Install GIT SCM to your computer, from here

  2. Check for existing ssh key pair in C:\Users\username\.ssh. If you don't have a valid key, generate a new key and add it to your local ssh-agent, as documented here

  3. Add your ssh public key to your github account, if you haven't done so already, as documented here

Setup mandatory configs

If this is your first time installing Git, you should setup your author details by running the following command, replacing it with the correct details:

git config --global "<Your Name>"
git config --global "<Your Email>"

For example, you may want to run:

git config --global "Jamie Goh"
git config --global ""

These details will be attached to the changes (commits) you make.

Test your git local install!

Run the following command in your terminal:

ssh -T

If you received a response similar to the below image, then you have successfully set up git locally ✅

Git Test SSH


Ping in the discord for help if you can't get git to work as expected